perfromance framework
EPM framework

This page contains a framework on performance management developed by me to structure my thoughts on this topic. Since I am learning continuously, this framework will gradually evolve based on new insights.

The Performance Wheel

Based on my experience and through reading interesting articles and various books on the subject of performance management I have created a framework containing the key variables of performance management. Based on my experience and reading I have defined three distinct parts of Performance Management:

  1. Core management process based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
  2. A continuous process of scanning both the internal and external environment for opportunities and risks
  3. Key enablers that need to be developed and maintained to act effectively
  4. Continuous change management to quickly adapt the organization to its changing environment.

These four parts form a wheel aimed at propelling your organization forward. The management cycle is the core axis, strong and designed to get everything in motion. Risk and opportunity management are the spokes needed to harness this management power. Thirdly, there is the tube. The tube is key for the optimum transfer of power to the road; a flat tube will get you nowhere! Change management is aimed at having the right gearing and tyre type for the terrain ahead.

To actively manage for performance means that all four parts need to be defined, implemented and aligned; missing one of these parts or not fully developing and implementing them reduces the chance of reaching your performance targets. Meeting the targets will then be based more on luck then on skillful management.

As you see I provide you with a model of my own an I make reference to a number of existing models and views of experts in the field of performance management, management in general, IT, culture etcetera. Although models by themselves do not add the real value (the real value is in the action to address issues, opportunities) I do mention them to help you expand your horizon and help you to base your actions on the collective ideas out there instead of your own instincts alone. Models and views are a key element of knowledge, next to experience, competencies and attitude.